Welcome to The Couch Chronicles Blog!

I finally took the plunge to start writing again after years of fighting against writing.  (I had a major case of writer's block after writing hundreds of pages in graduate school.)  But, I recently realized that I maybe I could add some value to mental health awareness BEYOND the COUCH.  So, I got to work again, and this blog was born!

I can hear the collective sighs now...You're asking yourself,

“Why in the world would I want to read ANOTHER blog by ANOTHER therapist?”  

Here’s why:

  1. You may have some misconceptions about mental health.  I come from a family were there was no way in hell that someone would go to therapy, or even admit that they were depressed or anxious.  So, let me tell you, the road from past to present has been long.  I've heard (and believed!) a lot of misconceptions about mental health issues along the way.  I’ve had experiences on both sides of the couch, so I know the struggle as a client. I’m here to tell you that therapy can be TRANSFORMATIVE.


  1. Visibility is important when talking about mental health.  After graduating from college, I was lucky enough to work as a Cognitive Therapist at a brain injury rehabilitation center in Houston. I worked side by side with a psychologist who offered therapy services to individuals who had sustained a traumatic brain injury.  Immediately, I was drawn to her warmth and compassion. I was also scared shitless of her.

Can she read my mind?  

Does she know how much of a fraud I am?  

Can she feel my innermost feelings?

However, over time I realized that she was a warm, compassionate, and REGULAR person.  She served others using these traits, and she did this without judgment of others. I also realized that if I could find a therapist like her, maybe my life could improve.  And it did. And I want to pay it forward.


  1. Therapy (and therapists) can be intense, but we can also be funny!  Humor, vulnerability and sarcasm are all on the table here.  In every post I write, I am coming from a place of love for what I do in the therapy room.  Ask my clients (just kidding, you can’t) - there are occasional tears in session, but we get laughs in, too!  Therapists have a sense of humor. Don’t believe me? Look at these funnies!

So, here you have it!  The Couch Chronicles Blog!

I want to hear from you….yes, YOU!!  What challenges do you have? Do you have any questions about therapy?  What would you like to know more about? Let’s work on separating the real from the fake.