Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness after Loss and Grief

Anyone who has lost a loved one experiences a range and depth of emotions that is unimaginable.  Feelings such as anger, guilt, sadness, and disbelief come up; the loss and pain can be overwhelming. We can also wonder about the process of grief itself.  


Will I ever be able to heal from this loss?  

What’s the “right” way to grieve?

How do others get through this pain?


If you’re curious to learn about navigating through your grief journey, I strongly recommend Sweet Sorrow by Sherry Cormier.  Dr. Cormier is a certified bereavement and trauma specialist, and she provides grief mentoring, speaking, and consulting in the areas of grief, loss, health, wellness, and stress management.  In addition to her strong professional credentials, Sherry has first-hand experience with the grieving process after the death of her beloved husband - and other family members - all within a short period of time.  Her writing is heartfelt, intense, authentic, heartbreaking, and inspirational.  


Maybe this book touched me so because I have a personal connection to Sherry.  I was fortunate enough to be taught by Dr. Cormier while in graduate school at West Virginia University.  Sherry is a caring and gentle soul, as well as an extremely knowledgeable professor!  To say that I I enjoyed her classes would be an understatement.  I was also drawn her outlook on life and positive energy.  She's one of those people whose light shines so bright that you can't help but want to be close!  She’s a great academic writer, and now her new book combines her own, touching, personal story with information for others who may also be experiencing a difficult grieving phase.


Here are a few main points from the book, Sweet Sorrow:


  • There is no such thing as “getting over” grief.  However, processing your experience of grief over time is crucial.


  • NO ONE processes grief in the same way, or in the same amount of time.  There’s no way of knowing WHEN your pain will subside.


  • No matter how long it takes, you WILL heal from the grief experience.  These feelings will resolve and you will live your life again.


If you are struggling with the loss of a loved one, I HIGHLY suggest you pick up the book Sweet Sorrow.  And be sure to comment below to share your major challenges dealing with grief.  


Lastly, if you want to talk to me about your grief experience, contact me here.